From: "Downs, Drew" <ddowns@xxxxxxxx>
Subject: AGU Session V004: Continental Intraplate Mafic Volcanism
Subject: AGU Session V004: Continental Intraplate Mafic Volcanism
Please consider submitting your AGU abstracts to the following session (https://agu.confex.com/agu/fm17/preliminaryview.cgi/Session26279 ) for the fall AGU meeting in New Orleans from 11-15 December. The abstract deadline is 2 August.
Session: V004 Continental Intraplate Mafic Volcanism
Session ID#: 26279
Session Description: Continental intraplate mafic volcanism occurs in a variety of settings, including hot spot, incipient rifting, and subduction environments. Most studies of volcanic processes and hazards are focused on stratovolcanoes and ocean islands, but widespread and young continental intraplate volcanic regions are attracting growing interest. There are more than 200 active Holocene volcanic fields worldwide, potentially impacting populations and infrastructure. We seek to highlight recent investigations of source to surface processes at these volcanic centers by bringing together geological and geophysical approaches. We welcome contributions that address petrogenesis, eruptive history, structural controls, seismicity, and volcanic hazards within volcanic fields.
Conveners: Drew Downs, Hannah Dietterich, Mark Stelten, and Paul Bedrosian (US Geological Survey)
Drew Downs
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