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From: "Shiro, Brian" <bshiro@xxxxxxxx>
Subject: USGS job opening for Geophysicist at the Hawaiian Volcano Observatory
The USGS Hawaiian Volcano Observatory (HVO) is seeking applicants to fill the permanent position of Geophysicist at the GS-9 or GS-11 level.
The incumbent’s primary responsibility will be analyzing digital seismograms to determine phase arrivals and earthquake source parameters, including location, depth, magnitude, and focal mechanism. The Geophysicist will also serve in a rotating capacity as a duty seismologist for volcanic unrest, eruption, and large earthquake response. In addition, this position involves preparation of technical reports, curation of the HVO earthquake catalog, refinement of automated data processing and analysis techniques, development of new seismological capabilities, and occasional assistance with maintenance of seismic monitoring instruments in the field.
Bachelor’s degree in physical sciences and at least one year professional experience in geophysics, preferably a master’s degree or higher in seismology with experience operating in a real-time seismic data environment. Desired knowledge and skills include earthquake seismology, volcano seismology, and computer software development on UNIX platforms. Experience operating the ANSS Quake Management System (AQMS) and/or Earthworm system is also highly desired.
The Hawaiian Volcano Observatory is located on the rim of Kilauea Caldera, in Hawai'i Volcanoes National Park on the island of Hawai'i. It is somewhat remote with the nearest city being Hilo, which is 30 miles away. Relocation expenses and a cost of living allowance are included for this job announcement.
US citizens may apply at USAJOBS.gov between 12 January and 2 February 2018 under announcement SAC-2018-0069:
Current federal employees may also apply under announcement SAC-2018-0071:
Thank you,
Brian Shiro
Seismic Network Manager
USGS Hawaiian Volcano Observatory
Seismic Network Manager
USGS Hawaiian Volcano Observatory
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