IAVCEI Workshop title: Best practices in tephra collection, analysis, and reporting – leading toward better tephra databases
Workshop conveners/affiliations/emails:
Kristi Wallace, U.S. Geological Survey/Alaska Volcano Observatory, kwallace@xxxxxxxx
Steve Kuehn, Concord University, sckuehn@xxxxxxxxxx
Marcus Bursik, University of Buffalo, mib@xxxxxxxxxxx
Andrei Kurbatov, University of Maine, akurbatov@xxxxxxxxx
Date of workshop: Saturday August 19, 9AM-5PM (post meeting workshop)
Capacity: 30 or 50 people
Description of workshop/short course:
Following the Tephra 2014 Workshop where 1) major developments, 2) best practices, and 3) future directions/needs in tephra studies from both volcanological and tephrochronological perspectives were the main thrusts, this workshop aims to focus on the topics considered most pressing in the field by the attendees of the 2014 workshop (70 internationals). Two major themes will be considered: Theme 1) standardization of tephra field data collection, geochemical analysis, correlation, and data reporting, and Theme 2) databases to facilitate information discovery and access across disciplines. Discussion will be facilitated using a goal-oriented approach where certain goals or outcomes will be presented and group discussion will focus on the steps to reach each goal (e.g. best practices in correlating tephras across continents or how to calculate a tephra volume using both proximal data and data from long distance correlations).
Theme 1, standardization, will emphasize pushing forward the production of discipline-based best practice checklists <http://dx.doi.org/10.13140/RG
Theme 2, tephra databases, will discuss the various databases and catalogs and the pros and cons of developing a universal tephra database versus regional databases. There will be discussion on how to link existing databases, on integrating tools and apps with databases, and on steps forward in data sharing. Since standardization is the first step toward greater use of databases, we hope that discussion, presentations and consensus decisions on Theme 1 will inform the discussion of databases.
This workshop will include presentations from experts in tephra field studies, laboratory analysis, and databases. It will facilitate open discussion and will include hands-on breakout sessions. Concrete outcomes expected from this workshop include best practice training materials, content for grant proposals for database development, and increased interdisciplinary collaboration and data sharing.
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