Call for submissions: Volcano Hazard Communications @ GSA Cordilleran Section Meeting Honolulu, Hawai‘i (May 23 – 25)
Please consider sharing your experience and insight on communicating volcano hazard and risk - with particular application to Hawaiian volcanoes - at the GSA Cordilleran Section meeting this May. Presentations on other volcano hazard and risk mitigation communication strategies are also welcome.
Description: During 33-plus years of nearly continuous eruption and unrest, scientific investigations have improved our understanding of the hazards posed by Hawaiian volcanoes. This session seeks contributions detailing new insights on the nature and impacts of volcano hazards in Hawai‘i and the techniques of communicating those hazards to at-risk residents.
Abstract deadline: 14 February
Meeting information: https://www.geoso
Tina Neal and Janet Babb, USGS Hawaiian Volcano Observatory
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