The Departments of Earth and Environmental Sciences at LMU-Munich and the Institute of Geophysics at the University of Hamburg invite applications for 2 PhD positions in the frame of the fully-funded DFG project “Exploring the conditions for occurrence of volcanic lightning”.
The project is a collaborative research project between the Ludwig-Maximilians Universität München (Dr. Corrado Cimarelli, Department für Geo- und Umweltwissenschaften) and the Universität Hamburg (Prof. Dr. Matthias Hort, Institut für Geophysik). The project includes two PhD positions, one located in Munich and one in Hamburg. Positions are for 3 years each. Each doctoral student will work on an own subproject in a research-driven environment.
The subproject in Hamburg focuses on quantifying eruption dynamics at Sakurajima volcano, Japan, by means of Doppler radar, electromagnetic, and electrostatic field measurements. Those data will be used to improve our understanding of the circumstances producing volcanic lightning. Using numerical model simulations, we will try to improve our understanding of the processes leading to volcanic lightning. (For informal inquiries contact Prof. M. Hort: matthias.hort@uni-hambur
The subproject in Munich aims at investigating plume electrification processes combining laboratory experimentation (characterization of electrical properties of volcanic ash and analogue materials, shock tube and fluidized bed experiments) and field measurements at active volcanoes (high-speed visible and thermal imaging, ash sampling, in-situ measurements of charge mechanism). A specific focus will be given to the development of new electrical sensors for the lab and field measurements in collaboration with the Universities of Bath and Reading (UK). (For informal inquiries contact Dr. C. Cimarelli: cimarelli@xxxxxxx-m
If you are interested in applying for one of the positions please download the full job advertisement to learn about the requirements for applying as well as the necessary documents from
for applying at the LMU Munich
for applying at the University of Hamburg.
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