*************************************************************************Subject: Late-breaking IAVCEI workshop on science communication
Late-breaking workshop opportunity Sunday August 13 8:30 to 12:00 PM!
This *free* workshop is geared towards early-career but open and relevant to everyone attending the IAVCEI meeting in Portland, from students to seasoned professionals. It will be informative, fun, and a good way to meet fellow participants before the meeting. First-come, first-served. Space is limited; if you sign up but cannot make it, please contact me at bartel@xxxxxxxxxx so we can offer up that space to someone else. Hope to see you there!
Communicating Science for Impact
Effective communication skills enable scientists to engage non-experts, inform public opinion and policymakers, inspire the next generation of scientists and voters, and improve our own research process. This workshop takes a hands-on approach to learning the tricks of science communication, focusing on science communication as a conversation. The skills practiced can be applied to all channels of communication, from a public lecture to a social media feed.
Offered by Beth Bartel, UNAVCO
Registration required! To register for this event, please go to
Workshop Registration: Communicating Science for Impact
| ![]() | Workshop Registration: Communicating Science for ImpactSunday August 13, 8:30 to 12:00 PM Effective communication skills enable scientists to engage non-experts, info... |
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