Apologies for cross-postings. On behalf of myself and my co-convenors I would like to invite you to submit an abstract to Goldschmidt Session 05f, Critical Metal Deposits: Current Sources and Future Potential: https://goldschmidt.info/2018/program/programViewThemes#session_440_3471
Critical, strategic or green metals include (but are not limited to) the rare earth elements, Nb, Ta, Li, Be, Rb, Cs, Zr, Hf, In, Ge, Ga, and the platinum group elements. The rapid development of new technologies has led to the increasing demand for these critical metal resources, yet the potential primary and secondary sources of a number of these elements remain somewhat poorly understood. In particular, comparatively little research has been undertaken on the genesis of the diversity of critical metal deposit types, the geochemistry and cycling of these elements, their potential for recycling and reuse, and the technology involved in the potential extraction of these critical elements from waste materials. This session provides an opportunity to discuss the most recent research into understanding critical metal deposits. Contributions focused on geochemistry, mineralogy, metallurgy, genesis and the exploration of critical metal deposits are encouraged. Topics will encompass the new and novel understanding of traditional ore deposits from multiscale datasets, possibly taking advantage of the recent developments of high spatial resolution techniques for in-situ chemical and isotope analysis. We also invite submissions that cover the positive and negative impact of these potential sources, as well as presentations on secondary sources such as waste from mining and processing activities, the potential for extraction of the critical elements from high technology or electronic waste, and techniques for extracting the critical metals from unconventional mineral resources.
Abstract submission information is here: https://goldschmidt.info/2018/abstracts and the abstract deadline is March 30th. Hope to see you in Boston!
Simon (on behalf of Shao-Yong Jiang, Aleksandr Stepanov, and Wei Chen)
From: Simon Jowitt <simon.jowitt@xxxxxxxx>
Subject: Goldschmidt Session 05f: Critical Metal Deposits: Current Sources and Future Potential
Hi All,
Critical, strategic or green metals include (but are not limited to) the rare earth elements, Nb, Ta, Li, Be, Rb, Cs, Zr, Hf, In, Ge, Ga, and the platinum group elements. The rapid development of new technologies has led to the increasing demand for these critical metal resources, yet the potential primary and secondary sources of a number of these elements remain somewhat poorly understood. In particular, comparatively little research has been undertaken on the genesis of the diversity of critical metal deposit types, the geochemistry and cycling of these elements, their potential for recycling and reuse, and the technology involved in the potential extraction of these critical elements from waste materials. This session provides an opportunity to discuss the most recent research into understanding critical metal deposits. Contributions focused on geochemistry, mineralogy, metallurgy, genesis and the exploration of critical metal deposits are encouraged. Topics will encompass the new and novel understanding of traditional ore deposits from multiscale datasets, possibly taking advantage of the recent developments of high spatial resolution techniques for in-situ chemical and isotope analysis. We also invite submissions that cover the positive and negative impact of these potential sources, as well as presentations on secondary sources such as waste from mining and processing activities, the potential for extraction of the critical elements from high technology or electronic waste, and techniques for extracting the critical metals from unconventional mineral resources.
Abstract submission information is here: https://goldschmidt.info
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