Dear All,
We wish to announce the re-launch of the Commission on Volcanogenic Sediments of IAVCEI. We are taking over the leadership in the commission from Gert Lube and Richard Brown. The new leaders of the commission are:
Gabor Kereszturi (Massey University, New Zealand)
Eric Breard (Georgia Tech, USA)
We have compiled some of the core aims and scopes of the commission:
(1) Past and present: The Commission on Volcanogenic Sediments is one of the oldest commissions of the IAVCEI. However, this commission that was once very active has been fading over the last few years. We wish to embrace this tradition and revitalize this commission by revising its objectives.
(2) Objectives: The commission’s aim is to understand volcano-related sediments and their processes through multidisciplinary approaches, such as sedimentology, stratigraphy, lab-based and experimental studies, numerical modelling, petrology and imaging techniques. This improved understanding of volcanogenic processes through their deposits gives us the opportunity to better quantify natural hazards from volcanoes locally and globally.
(3) Terms: We propose to operate the commission on a 4-years-term, announcing the new elected leaders at every IAVCEI general assembly. The leadership (1-3 leaders) will be passed onto the next team through email voting.
(4) Communication: Our preferred communication channel remains the Volcano-list. Through this forum we will post news, conferences, workshops and other activities relevant to the commission members.
(5) Members: For administrative purposes, we want to maintain a list of members with basic information (name, country, email). This will be used to elect the next generation of leaders of the community.
(6) Website: We have already required a website space on the IAVCEI’s website ( This will provide alternative and additional space to promote research relevant to the commission. Our current plan is to launch the website in early 2018.
If you are working in this field or interested in, please email us your name, university/country to g.kereszturi@xxxxxxxxxxxx o
Thanks for your time and effort, much helpful to develop this commission, and hope that we can meet in person at the next meetings.
Gabor and Eric
Volcano Listserv is a collaborative venture among Arizona State University (ASU), Portland State University (PSU), the Global Volcanism Program (GVP) of the Smithsonian Institution's National Museum of Natural History, and the International Association for Volcanology and Chemistry of the Earth's Interior (IAVCEI).
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