Hi everyone,
We are currently running a Special Issue, entitled "Fluids, Metals, and Mineral/Ore Deposits", on the journal of Geofluids (IF=1.8). This Special Issue will seek to address recent advances on hydrothermal processes and metal mineral ore deposits. Particular interest will be given to papers exploring or discussing metal solubility, speciation, migration, and precipitation in hydrothermal fluids.
Potential topics include, but are not limited to:
1. Dissolution, transport, and precipitation of metals by fluids
2. Metal complexation, speciation, and stabilities of metal complexes in fluids
3. Hydrothermal growth and solubility of minerals
4. Fluid reaction and metasomatism of minerals or rocks
5. Thermodynamic properties of terrestrial or submarine hydrothermal fluids, basinal brines, and metamorphic/metasomatic fluids or magmatic fluids
6. New technology and methods on studies of hydrothermal mineralization
Attached please find the Call For Papers, and original, unpublished, high-quality contributions are welcome.
Note that the submission deadline is 23 June 2017. You can submit your manuscripts through the Manuscript Tracking System at http://mts.hindawi.com/submit/journals/geofluids/fmmd/ .
We look forward to hearing from you. Kind regards,
丁 兴
Dr. Xing Ding
State Key Laboratory of Isotope Geochemistry
Guangzhou Institute of Geochemistry
Chinese Academy of Sciences
511 Kehua Street
Tianhe District
Guangzhou 510640
From: Daniel Harlov <dharlov@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
Subject: Call for papers - Special Issue in Geofluids - Fluids, Metals, and Mineral/Ore Deposits
Dear colleagues,
I am forwarding the below email from Dr. Xing Ding at the Guangzhou Institute of Geochemistry regarding a Special Issue of Geofluids on Fluids, Metals, and Mineral/Ore Deposits.
If you should have any questions regarding the special issue - you can either contact Xing at (xding@xxxxxxxxx) or myself.
We are currently running a Special Issue, entitled "Fluids, Metals, and Mineral/Ore Deposits", on the journal of Geofluids (IF=1.8). This Special Issue will seek to address recent advances on hydrothermal processes and metal mineral ore deposits. Particular interest will be given to papers exploring or discussing metal solubility, speciation, migration, and precipitation in hydrothermal fluids.
Potential topics include, but are not limited to:
1. Dissolution, transport, and precipitation of metals by fluids
2. Metal complexation, speciation, and stabilities of metal complexes in fluids
3. Hydrothermal growth and solubility of minerals
4. Fluid reaction and metasomatism of minerals or rocks
5. Thermodynamic properties of terrestrial or submarine hydrothermal fluids, basinal brines, and metamorphic/metasomatic fluids or magmatic fluids
6. New technology and methods on studies of hydrothermal mineralization
Attached please find the Call For Papers, and original, unpublished, high-quality contributions are welcome.
Note that the submission deadline is 23 June 2017. You can submit your manuscripts through the Manuscript Tracking System at http://mts.hindawi.com/subm
We look forward to hearing from you. Kind regards,
Xing Ding
丁 兴
Dr. Xing Ding
State Key Laboratory of Isotope Geochemistry
Guangzhou Institute of Geochemistry
Chinese Academy of Sciences
511 Kehua Street
Tianhe District
Guangzhou 510640
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