13th International Symposium on Geo-disaster Reduction 2015. Volcanic Disaster, Hazard and Risk Session
From: "Nemeth, Karoly" <K.Nemeth@xxxxxxxxxxxx>13th International Symposium on Geo-disaster Reduction 2015. Volcanic Disaster, Hazard and Risk Session
Dear Geo-disaster Experts,
This year, between 9 and 11 of August, Charles University in Prague is hosting the 13th International Symposium on Geo-disaster Reduction, which is an interdisciplinary event aiming at various kinds of geodisasters and their impacts.
The conference will address various type of geological disasters in specific sessions (earthquakes, landslides, tsunami, high impact weather, hydrological extremes, social resilience to disasters, historical disasters, remote sensing for disaster reduction). In addition to these sessions, volcanism will be discussed as a stand alone special session. We would like to invite you to consider to present your research on this interdisciplinary congress in Prague in August, 2015.
Web: http://www.icgdr2015.eu
Further info about the Volcanic Session will be announced in the website shortly, or contact by email: k.nemeth@xxxxxxxxxxxx
Dr Karoly Nemeth (Senior Lecturer)
Massey University, CS-INR, Volcanic Risk Solutions
PO Box 11 222, Palmerston North, New Zealand
email: k.nemeth@xxxxxxxxxxxx; knemeth@xxxxxxxxxx
web: http://www.massey.ac.nz/massey/expertise/profile.cfm?stref=011930
Tel: +64-6-356-9099 ext 84859
Fax: +64-6-350-5632
Mob: +64-27-479-1484; +36-20-495-6558
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