Goldschmidt 2015. Chemical dynamics through Time
We would like to draw your attention to an interdisciplinary Goldschmidt session that seeks to understand the evolution of the Deep Earth through time.
21f: Chemical Geodynamics Through Time
Convenors: Matthew Jackson, Peter van Keken
Keynote: Janne Blichert-Toft (ENS Lyon, France)
Invited Speakers: Catherine Chauvel, Kaj Hoernle.
The Earth’s mantle is the largest reservoir in the Earth and it preserves an integrated record of the long-term geochemical and geodynamic evolution of the planet. Geochemical differentiation of the planet, from accretion to the present day, has modified the chemical composition of the Earth’s interior: subduction zone processes, continental crust extraction and injection of oceanic plates and sediments continuously change the mantle’s make-up. Mixing of chemical heterogeneity and the apparent long-term preservation of early Earth events require a fundamental understanding of the dynamic properties of the Earth and how these have changed over time. Geochemists are gaining new and more detailed insights into the geochemical make-up of the mantle and the early-Earth events, and subsequent geochemical processes that helped shape the current composition of the Earth, but geodynamics places fundamental constraints on possible models for the evolutionary path of the mantle. We encourage both geophysicists and geochemists to contribute to this session to build a dynamical understanding of the geochemistry of the mantle.
The Goldschmidt abstract submission site is now open ( and will remain so until the deadline of April 2.
We look forward to seeing you in Prague!
Matt and Peter.
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