"Brinco" Accelerometer
Hi all:
We are crowdfunding a sensitive better-than-MEMS accelerometer and earthquake early warning (EEW) device called "Brinco", which means “jump” in Spanish.
Brinco is a networked $189 accelerometer that is Wifi enabled and has the capability to deliver an audio message. All Brincos will connect to distributed data centers where fast location and magnitude calculation will be done. The the data servers will return a custom message to the appropriate Brinco with an audio warning. For example a message might be: “Mild shaking expected in 25 seconds, no danger of Tsunami.” or “Mild shaking in 10 seconds, no need to worry.”
A few seconds of time can be enough for people to leave their house and move to more open spaces or simply to “Drop, Cover and Hold On.” Brinco can give a person those few seconds.
In addition, for coastal communities Brinco can give up to a few hours warning of coming Tsunamis.
We have been working on this project for over two years and in just a few days it will get its test of fire: the www.indiegogo.com campaign. We are writing now to ask you for your comments and support. The simplest way to participate is to acquire a Brinco during the campaign, launching in mid-July. Another way is to pass this message on to your email and social media contacts. Brinco has its own pre-launch web page at www.brinco-home.com where you can get more details and sign up for the Brinco mailing list, please take a second and take a look.
Thanks for spreading the word. And we would love to hear your comments, suggestions and feedback on the project.
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