VOLCANO: NEMOH schools in Iceland "Volcano Deformation and Magmatic Processes" and Dublin "Inverse methods in geophysics and volcanology"

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NEMOH schools in Iceland "Volcano Deformation and Magmatic Processes" and Dublin "Inverse methods in geophysics and volcanology"
From: Alessandro Fornaciai <fornaciai@xxxxxxxxxx>

Dear friends and colleagues,

We would like to invite you to the following NEMOH-ITN project Schools:

 NEMOH Field School in Iceland: "Volcano Deformation and Magmatic Processes"
  22-29 August, 2014
  Application deadline is March 21, 2014.


 NEMOH School in Dublin: "Inverse methods in geophysics and volcanology"
  August 31st - September 5th, 2014
  Application deadline is May 23, 2014.


Detailed information and application forms are available at:


Please share this information with students and friends who might be interested in joining us.

Apologies for any cross posting.

Thank you!

Alessandro Fornaciai
NEMOH Network Administrator


NEMOH Field School in Iceland: "Volcano Deformation and Magmatic Processes"

The NEMOH Field School "Volcano Deformation and Magmatic Processes" will take place in South Iceland at Hotel Leirubakki, close the Hekla volcano, 22-29 August 2014. The school will focus on how various measurements of crustal deformation at volcanoes can be used to learn about magmatic processes through modelling of observed deformation. At the same time volcanic process and effusive and explosive activity of Icelandic volcanoes will be addressed by using opportunities for field visits.  Approach to study and monitoring of Icelandic volcanoes through the FutureVolc European research project will be covered.  A geothermal power plant will be visited and the links between volcanology and geothermal applications explored.
The school is aimed at Early Stage Researchers and PhD students. The students will be introduced to techniques for measuring volcano deformation and interpretation of results through modelling. These measurements will be linked to the internal processes of volcanoes, as well as their eruptive products (lavas and tephra). Practical exercises will be carried out, including field trips to Mt. Hekla and the Eastern and Western volcanic zones. Reading material will be provided, which participants are expected to read prior to arrival.

NEMOH School in Dublin: "Inverse methods in geophysics and volcanology

The School will focus on illuminating the concepts and applications of inverse methods in geophysics and volcanology. The main research objective in investigating volcanoes is to gain knowledge about  internal volcano dynamics from the surface measurements of various data types. In order to achieve this, such data need to be “inverted” into the causes (dynamic processes) underlying their generation. However, it is sometimes difficult to assess the uncertainty in the inversion, that is, to estimate how well our obtained answer describes the true process. This is particularly difficult task in the presence of strong structural heterogeneity. For example, in the case of volcano-seismic source inversion, recent studies have shown that unmodelled shallow structural heterogeneity can lead to completely erroneous solutions, in terms of their magnitude, source-time histories and source mechanisms.  Therefore, apart from the main concepts and the basic mathematical formalism of inverse methods, the School will pay special attention to issues related to uncertainties. The lectures will be complemented by practical sessions, where inversions of real and synthetic data will be performed.


Volcano Listserv is a collaborative venture among Arizona State University (ASU), Portland State University (PSU), the Global Volcanism Program (GVP) of the Smithsonian Institution's National Museum of Natural History, and the International Association for Volcanology and Chemistry of the Earth's Interior (IAVCEI).

ASU - http://www.asu.edu/ PSU - http://pdx.edu/ GVP - http://www.volcano.si.edu/ IAVCEI - http://www.iavcei.org/

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