Goldschmidt 2014. Session 11g Sulfur, Halogen, and Carbon Behavior in Ore-Forming Systems
Please consider submitting an abstract to the Goldschmidt 2014 session 11g: Sulfur, Halogen, and carbon behaviour in ore-forming systems. Novel ideas and approaches on volatiles and metal transfer are particularly welcome. The Goldschmidt 2014 conference will be held in Sacramento, CA from 8 to 13 June.
Abstracts are due on 8 Feb 2014
Session 11g: Sulfur, Halogen, and Carbon Behavior in Ore-Forming Systems
Sulfur, chlorine, fluorine and carbon dioxide are long known as key components to transport, fractionate, and deposit ore metals. This session brings together natural and experimental studies addressing the role of sulfur, halogens and carbon in metal partitioning and metal transport in ore-forming systems. Recent advances include quantitative understanding of the effect of different physical-chemical parameters such as temperature, pressure, redox potential, acidity, and silicate melt composition on the speciation and distribution of volatiles that control both metal mobilization and deposition. This session welcomes all contributions utilizing combined melt and fluid inclusion studies, solubility, partitioning, in-situ spectroscopy experiments, stable isotope and geochemical or hydrological modeling of hydrothermal-magmatic processes and their chemical footprints.
Conveniors Isabelle Chambefort, Gelb Pokrovski, Zoltan Zajacz and John Dilles
The keynote speaker will be Paul Wallace (University of Oregon) you will present general concept on sulfur and redox state.
For more details:
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