Goldschmidt 2014. Session 12b: Experimental Constraints on Magmatic and Volcanic Processes
From: Julia Hammer <jhammer@xxxxxxxxxx>Goldschmidt 2014. Session 12b: Experimental Constraints on Magmatic and Volcanic Processes
Dear Volcano Listers,
Becky Lange and I would like to draw your attention to a session at the 2014 Goldschmidt Meeting in Sacramento (http://goldschmidt.info/2014/)
devoted to the contributions of experimental petrology to understanding
magmatic and volcanic processes, and encourage you to submit an
abstract. Note the inclusion of equilibrium and non-equilibrium
(kinetics) experiments, large pressure (depth) range, and breadth of
applications that we are hoping to capture.
keynote speaker will be Mike Krawczynski from Washington University in
St. Louis. The abstract deadline is now just over two weeks away:
February 8.
12b: Experimental Constraints on Magmatic and Volcanic Processes
session invites contributions that are based on phase-equilibrium and/or
kinetic experiments to address the following topics: (1) partial
melting of the mantle (2) intracrustal magmatic processes, and (3)
shallow crustal and eruptive processes. Possible sub-topics may include:
(a) calibration of thermometers, barometers, and hygrometers, (b)
determination of trace-element partition coefficients between minerals,
melts, and fluids, (c) evaluation of various redox reactions, (d)
measurements of the solubility of volatile components, (e) determination
of diffusion coefficients, and (f) calibration of various
geospeedometers (i.e., speed of magma ascent to the surface). We
particularly encourage contributions in which intensive variables
(temperature, pressure, oxygen fugacity, water fugacity) are well
defined and controlled in the experiments and all phases in the run
products are as fully characterized as possible.
<apologies for multiple postings>
Julia Hammer
Dept. Geology and Geophysics
University of Hawaii
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