ICGDR2015 - Abstract Submission Deadline 31/03/15
From: "Nemeth, Karoly" <K.Nemeth@xxxxxxxxxxxx>ICGDR2015 - Abstract Submission Deadline 31/03/15
Dear Geo-disaster experts,
The abstract submission deadline (31/03/15) for the 13th International Symposium on Geo-disaster Reduction (9-11/08/15, Prague) is approaching fast.
The conference offers a Volcano Disaster Session where multidisciplinary research results are expected to be presented. Please check the session description, registration detail and logistical aspects of the conference below and consider to submit your work to this conference:
www. icgdr2015. eu
See you in Prague!
Dr Karoly Nemeth
Massey University
IAE - Volcanic Risk Solutions
New Zealand
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