AGU 2014. 2765 Physical Petrology
From: "Geist, Dennis (dgeist@xxxxxxxxxx)" <dgeist@xxxxxxxxxx>AGU 2014. 2765 Physical Petrology
Dear Colleagues,
We encourage abstracts to be submitted to AGU session 2765,
"Physical Petrology", which will feature invited speaker Dr. Bruce
Marsh. Bruce has championed the study of physical processes in
magmatism for the past 40+ years and has pioneered much of the
most important research in the field. He will be retiring from Johns
Hopkins University, and this session is designed to highlight current
research building on the foundation he has set.
Physical Petrology
Our understanding of the physical evolution of igneous systems has grown over the past few decades through a combination of field studies, numerical modeling of magma dynamics, analog experiments, and geochemical investigations. Interrogation of active systems like the Aleutians, and fossil systems such as that exposed in the Dry Valleys, Antarctica provide insight into the physical and chemical changes affecting magma as it traverses the crust and either erupts or ponds to form plutonic bodies. Computational experiments and analogue simulations are now routinely used to assess the physicochemical changes during partial melting of the mantle and lower crust and magma transport, and how these manifest in the development of magma chambers and volcanic eruptions. Crystal size distributions and geochemical data sets based on rigorous field work allow us to decipher mixing, storage, assimilation and homogenization processes. We invite contributions that focus on the physical and chemical evolution of igneous systems.
George Bergantz
Kathy Cashman
Dennis Geist
Adam Simon
Confirmed Invited Speakers:
Jon Davidson
Bruce Marsh
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