Online tool to calculate volumes of tephra fall deposits
From: David Pyle <david.pyle@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx>Online tool to calculate volumes of tephra fall deposits
We have released a new online tool, AshCalc v1.1 accessed
through VHub, for the calculation of the volumes of tephra fall
deposits. All you need are isopach data; the module allows rapid
comparison between deposit volumes using the exponential, power law and
Weibull models for how thickness varies with distance.
Link to AshCalc - https://vhub.org/resources/ashcalc
paper that describes AshCalc, and the open source python code for
AshCalc can be found at the Journal of Applied Volcanology http://www.appliedvolc.com/content/3/1/7
Feedback most welcome,
Thank you,
David Pyle on behalf of:
Matthew Daggitt mld46@xxxxxxxxx
Tamsin Mather
David Pyle
Stephen Page
Oxford, UK
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