VUELCO short-course 2015: Coping with volcanic unrest
From: Jo Gottsmann <J.Gottsmann@xxxxxxxxxxxxx>VUELCO short-course 2015: Coping with volcanic unrest
VUELCO short-course 2015: Coping with volcanic unrest
20-25 September, 2015
Olot, Garrotxa, Spain
We are delighted to announce the VUELCO 2015 short-course: Coping with volcanic unrest.
The course will run from September 20 to 25 and will be held in Olot, Garrotxa, Spain
The short-course comprises field trips to the Garrotxa volcanic zone in North-Eastern Spain, lectures and presentations on the work undertaken by the VUELCO research consortium. The course is aimed at post-graduate students, volcano observatory personnel and other professionals with an interest in dealing with pre-eruptive stages of volcanic activity. Although not exclusively, the focus of the lectures will be on pre-eruptive processes, scenario forecasting and volcanic crises management at monogenetic fields.
The preliminary program can be found soon on www.vuelco.net incl. links to register for the course.
Lectures and other activities will be run in English. Participation is limited to up to 35 individuals.
The consortium has limited funds to support travel and participation costs for a small number of participants. Should you require financial support to attend the course, please send an application via email to gljhg@xxxxxxxxxxxxx including a brief statement of research interests and a justification for your request for financial support. The page limit is 1-side A4 max. Please also include an estimate of travel costs to/from Olot and include VUELCO2015-CFS-Olot in the email’s subject line.
The deadline for applications for financial support is August 5, 2015 at 1200hrs UTC. Successful candidates will be informed by mid-August.
Looking forward to seeing you in Olot. On behalf of the VUELCO consortium with best wishes,
Jo Gottsmann
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ASU - http://www.asu.edu/ PSU - http://pdx.edu/ GVP - http://www.volcano.si.edu/ IAVCEI - http://www.iavcei.org/
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