EarthChem Invites Applications for IEDA Data Rescue Mini-Awards
From: "Integrated Earth Data Applications (IEDA)" <info@xxxxxxxxxxxx>EarthChem Invites Applications for IEDA Data Rescue Mini-Awards
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The Deadline for the Data Rescue Mini-awards is
coming up on May 30th!
EarthChem is looking to fund 3-4 Data Rescue
Mini-awards as part of the IEDA Data Rescue Initiative.
This initiative is intended to ensure that valuable
legacy data sets that are in danger of being lost in
the near future due to impending retirement or
degradation of the original data source are preserved
and made accessible to the community for re-use by
inclusion in IEDA data collections such as the
EarthChem Library and PetDB.
Priority will be given to datasets that are deemed
to have the highest impact on future research by virtue
of one or another unique characteristics such as quality,
size, rarity, unique location or data type, The mini-
grants will provide funds to investigators at the level
of $7,000 (maximum) for each project to support proper
compilation, documentation, and transfer of data sets
to IEDA. We specifically encourage applications from
late-career and near-retirement investigators, who
are in possession of unpublished data that they cannot
otherwise share and preserve.
Data sets must be consistent with the IEDA mission
"to support access and preservation of solid earth data
from the earth, ocean, and polar sciences". Preferred
data sets are in the subject areas of petrology and
high-temperature geochemistry of igneous and metamorphic
rocks (including mantle samples), mineral physics, and
volcanology. Examples of past awards can be found at
Applications should be submitted by May 30, 2014,
to EarthChem (info@xxxxxxxxxxxxx), and should include
- brief description of the data sets that will be assembled,
such as type of data, volume, format (.xls, .txt, etc.),
and current status (e.g. on paper, on-line, etc.);
- statement that explains the relevance of the data set(s)
for future re-use (maximum 2 pages);
- project plan how the successful completion of the project
will be achieved and to what extent IEDA staff is needed to
assist. For sample-based data such as geochemical analyses,
the sample archiving situation should be discussed.
- budget outline
The IEDA User Committee will review all applications and
select awardees based on the scientific relevance of the
data sets and prospect of the project’s successful
completion. Funded projects will need to complete the
data compilation and documentation by December 31, 2014.
IEDA staff will work with each awarded investigator or
group of investigators to help identify needed
documentation, and will provide guidance and tools to
facilitate data documentation and transfer.
For any questions, please contact info@xxxxxxxxxxxxx
or Kerstin Lehnert (lehnert@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx).
Volcano Listserv is a collaborative venture among Arizona State University (ASU), Portland State University (PSU), the Global Volcanism Program (GVP) of the Smithsonian Institution's National Museum of Natural History, and the International Association for Volcanology and Chemistry of the Earth's Interior (IAVCEI).
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