VOLCANO: XII Central American Geological Congress

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XII Central American Geological Congress
From: Wilfried Strauch <wilfried.strauch@xxxxxxxxx>

XII Central American Geological Congress
"Geology for Development and Mitigation of Geo-Risks", "50th Anniversary of the First Geological Congress of Central America"

The Nicaraguan Institute of Territorial Studies, INETER, supported by the Government of Unity and National Reconciliation and in cooperation with relevant national institutions on the subject of geosciences, is organizing the XII Central American Geological Congress.

Date: November 17 to 19, 2015
Location: Managua, Nicaragua
Venue: to be determined.

Expected participants:
-Geo-Scientists from Central America and other countries.
-Officials from institutions of civil protection.
-Officials of agencies of technical cooperation

Fee: $ 100
Participants must cover costs of airline tickets or bus, accommodation and participation in excursions.

Nicaragua's government will finance the organization of the event, the cost of the venue, refreshments and lunch.

President of the Organizing Committee: MSc Angelica Muñoz, INETER, angelica.munoz (at) gf.ineter.gob.ni

Chairman of the Scientific Committee: Dr. Wilfried Strauch, INETER, wilfried.strauch (at) yahoo.com

Conference website: http://congresogeologico2015.ineter.gob.ni/

Proposed agenda:
Geology, Geophysics, Seismology, Volcanology, Hydrology, Landslides and Tsunamis Studies. Geo-Engineering, Mining, Mineral and Petroleum.
Seismic and volcanic risks Managua Area
Geosciences and Geo-Risks in large industrial and development projects.
Climate change, coastal geology, groundwater.
Survey / Mapping and Geo-Threats support Geo-Hazard Mitigation.
Monitoring and early warning systems at local, national and regional level.
Geo-Informatics, digital communication, remote sensing, numerical modeling.
Sustainable development, regional development, Economy, Legislation.
Geotechnical, seismic engineering.
Education, Information, Social Networking.
Geo-tourism, history and heritage sites.
Bi-national, regional, international cooperation

Annexed Events:
regional organizations or projects are recommended to organize meetings before, during or after the congress to take advantage of the presence of the scientists at the conference. For example: Regional Seismic Network, CATAC, projects under preparation.

Conference languages:
The languages ​​of the conference for oral presentations and posters will be Spanish and English.


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