VOLCANO: AGU 2014. Session 2480: Persistent and recurring natural hazards: Disaster risk reduction and disaster risk management

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AGU 2014. Session 2480: Persistent and recurring natural hazards: Disaster risk reduction and disaster risk management
From: "Saskia.Vanmanen" <saskia.vanmanen@xxxxxxxxxx>

Dear Colleagues,

We invite your contributions to 'Persistent and recurring natural hazards: Disaster risk reduction and disaster risk management’ at the 2014 AGU Fall Meeting, December 15-19, San Francisco.

The abstract deadline is August 6.

Session ID#: 2480

Session Description:
This session focuses on prolonged and frequent natural hazard events. The huge human, environmental and economic costs of natural disasters are set to increase in the future as changes to society and an increasing global population force larger numbers of people to live at high risk. Understanding the socio-economic, political and cultural contexts of hazards, and combining these perspectives with insights derived from the physical sciences, is paramount to comprehensive prevention and mitigation of the devastating effects of natural phenomena, but how can this be achieved most effectively in areas of persistent or recurring hazards, whose impacts occur and are only perceptible over extended timescales? In this interdisciplinary session we invite applied and theoretical contributions that cover a wide range of approaches, natural hazards and time scales. We particularly encourage multi-disciplinary submissions and examples of successfully implemented disaster risk reduction strategies in complex protracted or recurring hazard events.


Saskia van Manen, The Open University, U.K., Saskia.vanmanen@xxxxxxxxxx
Bruce F Houghton, University of Hawaii Manoa, United States
Graham Leonard, GNS Science, New Zealand


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