USGS VDAP Job Postings
VOLCANOLOGY JOBS: The US Geological Survey, Volcano Disaster Assistance Program (VDAP) announces the posting of two new research job opportunities to participate in developing a query-based eruption forecasting information system. This project will be conducted in cooperation with the WOVOdat project ( ). These are both Term Positions (i.e., initial appointment is for 13 months, renewable for up to 4 years) that are based at the Cascades Volcano Observatory in Vancouver, WA, USA. One of the positions is for a Geologist or Geophysicist, GS-12 ($73,265/yr); the other is for a Geophysicist (volcano seismology specialization), GS11 or GS12 ($61,126 or $73,265 per year). More information and job applications will be available starting on 13 October 2014 by searching for positions numbered PAC-2014-0710 and PAC-2014-0711 at the following website: Applications must be received digitally through this website before midnight EST on 24 October 2014 and must include scanned copies of undergraduate and graduate transcripts. USGS is an equal opportunity employer; however, the positions are open to U.S. Citizens only.
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