Recording the Full Seismic Wavefield Online Workshop 4: Volcano Seismology, 9/3
From: Andy Frassetto <andyf@xxxxxxxx>Recording the Full Seismic Wavefield Online Workshop 4: Volcano Seismology, 9/3
Wednesday, September 3rd, 2-4 PM EDT / 11 AM-1 PM PDT
Convenors: Seth Moran (smoran@xxxxxxxx) and Rick Aster (Rick.Aster@xxxxxxxxxxxxx)
Registration required – see below. The workshop will be recorded and posted online.
Evolving technologies will allow the deployment of much denser uniform and multi-scale seismic arrays/networks that are capable of recording increasingly well-sampled wavefields, thus reducing or eliminating spatial aliasing. The resulting datasets will enable new methods that can transform studies of seismic sources and of Earth structure.
This workshop will focus on volcano seismology. The workshop will ask the question:
“What key and new science directions in volcano seismology would be advanced by full-wavefield seismic data?”
To register: There are approximately 20 spots available. Please email Andy Frassetto (andyf@xxxxxxxx) if you wish to participate and you will receive information on how to remotely attend this workshop.
To submit a 1- or 2-slide idea for discussion: Email in .pdf format to Andy, Seth, and Rick by Tuesday, September 2. Slides are welcome from those unable to attend, but should include a few words to go with the slide.
IRIS is hosting this online workshop as part of series to gather input from the broader seismological community about the potential scientific benefits of densely sampled full-wavefield seismic data at all scales, from global to soils. Stay tuned for workshops focused on other seismic applications. More information, including the recordings of previous workshops, is available at: http://www.iris.edu/hq/wavefields
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