Inaugural Meeting of Commission on Hazards and Risk
Inaugural Meeting: IAVCEI Commission on Volcanic Hazards and Risk
Evening meeting, Friday 12th September, Cities on
Volcanoes 8.
We invite your
participation in this newly formed commission and hope that this
becomes a
dynamic community engaging in all aspects of volcanic hazard and
risk research.
The commission on volcanic hazards and risk will be dedicated to applied volcanology a key realm of volcanology that occupies the front line between academic research and governmental organizations that are responsible for decision-making and policy processes that reduce the impact of volcanic hazards on society. The commission will focus on understanding, quantifying and communicating the hazards, the extent and likelihood of their occurrence and assessing their impacts and the societal vulnerabilities they create from near to far-field. Instigating a commission on volcanic hazards and risk is both timely and community-driven. There is both a research push from volcanologists working at the frontiers between volcanic hazard and risk and a societal pull coming from the increased need for systematised, universal approaches to analysing and characterising volcanic hazards.
Commission leader, Eliza Calder
Vice-chair (hazards), Jan Lindsay
Vice-chair (risk), Jo Gottsman
Additional commission officer roles will become available at the CoV8 meeting.
hope that you will get involved.
Eliza Calder
School of Geosciences
University of Edinburgh
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