nominations for Dana Medal requested
From: Kirsten Nicolaysen <nicolakp@xxxxxxxxxxx>nominations for Dana Medal requested
Dear colleagues,
(With my apologies for multiple cross-listings now in progress)
On behalf of MSA, I invite you to submit your nominations for the Dana Medal.
The Dana Medal is intended to recognize continued outstanding scientific contributions through original research in the mineralogical sciences by an individual in the midst of their career.
Mineralogy is broadly defined and the candidate need not qualify as a mineralogist. Rather his or her published record should be related to the mineralogical sciences and should make some outstanding contribution to them. All endeavors described by MSA's Bylaws are equally suitable for the award: mineralogy, geochemistry, petrology, and crystallography.
A mid-career candidate should have received their terminal degree no more than 25 years prior to January 1st of the year in which the medalist is selected. This time limit, however, can be extended for up to two years based on circumstances that have interrupted the nominee’s career (i.e., serious illness, child birth, care giver, etc.). These circumstances are to be explained by the nominator and confirmed by the chair of the committee as well as MSA Executive Committee.
We ask that nominees not include: current MSA officers or councilors, recipients or candidates for the MSA Award, or candidates for the Roebling medal (for lifetime achievement). Past MSA awardees are listed on the MSA website at: (http://www.minsocam.org/MSA/Awards/MSA_Award.html).
Service to mineralogy, teaching, and administrative accomplishment are not to be considered primary merit for the award. Eligible candidates will be considered regardless of nationality, age of candidate, or place of employment.
Membership in the Mineralogical Society of America is not a necessary prerequisite to receive the award.
The complete description of the Dana Medal, including its history, the list of past recipients, and the description of how to submit a completed nomination package are available at: http://www.minsocam.org/msa/Awards/Dana.html
As the non-voting chair of the selection committee, I'm happy to answer your questions related to nominations.
Kirsten Nicolaysen
Associate Professor & Chair
Department of Geology
Whitman College
345 Boyer Ave.
Walla Walla, WA 99362
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