Goldschmidt 2015. Volatiles and the Origin of the Moon (Session 23a)
From: "Evelyn Füri" <efueri@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>Goldschmidt 2015. Volatiles and the Origin of the Moon (Session 23a)
Dear colleagues,
would like to draw your attention to session 23a at Goldschmidt 2015 in
Prague (August 16-21) entitled "Volatiles and the Origin of the Moon".
Keynote speaker: Zachary Sharp (University of New Mexico)
Moon was dry, and then it wasn’t. Now we just aren’t sure how wet it
is, or where the volatiles came from, or when they arrived. This
session will explore the implications of recent observations of volatile
elements (especially H) in lunar rocks and on the lunar surface. These
data are likely to change our views regarding the formation and
evolution of the Earth-Moon system, specifically with respect to the
timing and mechanisms of delivery of H to the Moon, and
effects/magnitude of loss of volatiles during accretion, magma ocean,
and later phases of evolution. We encourage submissions from all realms
of planetary science, including but not limited to modeling, analytical
geochemistry, and satellite observations of lunar volatiles.
Submissions from early career scientists and underrepresented groups
are strongly encouraged.
Convenors: Jeremy Boyce & Evelyn Füri
The Goldschmidt abstract submission site is now open (http://goldschmidt.info/2015/abstracts) and will remain so until the deadline of April 2.
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