2 Faculty Positions (full-time researcher) in Geosiences, IPICYT, Mexico
The Instituto Potosino de Investigación
Científica y Tecnológica, IPICYT (Potosino
Institute for Research and Technology), through its División de Geociencias Aplicadas (Applied Geosciences Department) invites for applications for:
2 New Faculty (full-time researchers) Positions in Geosciences
The Applied Geosciences Department at IPICYT invites applications for two (2) tenure-track appointments to begin early 2015. We seek two broadly-based Earth scientists who will complement our existing research and teaching strengths in applied geosciences, with proved record of research in the broadly fields of geology, crustal studies, natural resources, hydrogeology, petrology, geochemistry, sedimentology, petrophysics and reservoir modeling. Fields of expertise may include, but are not limited to, mineral deposits, economic geology, structural/tectonics and the broadly defined area of atmospheric chemistry, climate dynamics and remote sensors (refer to academic profiles A and B, below).
IPICYT is a Federal Research Institute from CONACYT (Mexican National Science Council), based in the capital city of San Luis Potosí, in central-northeast Mexico with a vibrant industrial and cultural life as well as abundant recreational and outdoor opportunities. IPICYT houses 5 research departments: Molecular Biology, Environmental Sciences, Applied Mathematics, Nano-sciences and Materials and Applied Geosciences. Research at the Applied Geosciences Department includes basic and applied aspects of the Earth Sciences in the like of hydrogeology, exploration geophysics, geochemistry, applied and environmental geology, computer geosciences, numerical modeling and atmospheric sciences.
The successful candidate’s research will ideally complement and expand upon one or more of the areas of departmental expertise in; A) Applied geology, mineral deposits, petrophysics, reservoir geology, sedimentology, petrology, crustal studies, tectonics and/or geochemistry; and B) Atmospheric chemistry, climate/atmospheric dynamics and its relation and applications with remote sensors and numerical modeling, including hydrogeology.
This is a tenure-track equivalent faculty position with the responsibility for research, teaching and service to the Institute. Appointments at the Associate Professor level are preferred, although Assistant Professor level appointments could also be considered depending on qualifications.
Applicants should hold a Ph.D. in Geology, Geophysics, Earth Sciences or related areas, and have demonstrated expertise in teaching, which may include teaching assistantships; a postdoc is desirable and excellent oral and written communication skills; an established or emerging research publication record. Preferred qualifications for all candidates include an interest in interdisciplinary research, collaboration with individuals of diverse backgrounds, and in attracting graduate students for MSc and PhD project supervisions, demonstrated excellent interpersonal skills. Currently, our faculty teaches at least two courses per year. The candidate will also be expected to develop an externally funded research program that would ideally involve local and federal funds, and to provide service to the profession and greater community.
The successful applicant will have demonstrated leadership, communication and teamwork skills, and a strong desire to engage in interdisciplinary research. The successful applicant will be expected to teach across the curriculum, i.e., introductory classes, advanced graduate courses in his/her area of expertise.
Salary and benefits would be based according to the current IPICYT tab, depending on the category and level assigned by the evaluation of the curriculum.
The successful candidate will be based at the Applied Geosciences Department of IPICYT http://www.ipicyt.edu.mx/ in San Luis
Potosí, Mexico. Foreign applicants are welcome but consider it will require a
work permit and a certificate of Spanish language proficiency.
Applicants from abroad should submit electronically via e-mail (.pdf) to gap-assaf@xxxxxxxxxxxxx:
1) Cover letter
2) Curriculum vitae
3) Statement of teaching and research interests
4) Two letters of recommendation addressed to the Selection Committee, directly from the reference.
5) Publication record and printouts
6) Academic and work proofs
Review of applications begins November 28th of 2014 and will continue until the 26th of January 2015. Interviews would be programmed between the 2nd and 6th of February 2015.
After the review process, successful candidates would be contacted and could be requested further information to be sent via post mail or courier service to:
Gabriela Pérez Assaf
Instituto Potosino de Investigación Científica y Tecnológica, A.C. (IPICYT)
División de Geociencias Aplicadas
Camino a la Presa San José 2055
Col. Lomas 4a Sección. C.P. 78216
San Luis Potosí, S.L.P.
+52 (444) 8342000 ext. 7233
For further information regarding this position, please contact the Geosciences Department Academic Coordinator Pablo Dávila Harris: pablo.davila@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx
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