AGU 2015. What Can Pyroclasts Tell Us?
From: Corrado Cimarelli <
Dear Colleagues,
please consider contributing to the AGU Fall Meeting 2015 session entitled
What Can Pyroclasts Tell Us? Multi-parametric Approaches to Decipher the Record of Volcanic Eruptions
Session Description:
Pyroclasts are magma fragments. They capture
information on unobservable processes that govern volcanic eruptions. We
will explore the forefront of analysis and interpretation of pyroclasts
and pyroclastic deposits, and the consequences for volcanic hazard
studies. We welcome contributions from field and experimental
volcanology, geophysical monitoring, computational modeling,
geochemistry, petrology, tephrochemistry and microanalytical techniques
to build dialogues between diverse disciplines about how best to
decipher the record of volcanic eruptions preserved in pyroclasts.
Specifically we hope to address (1) the processes driving magma
generation and storage, (2) its dynamic evolution in crust and conduit,
(3) pre-eruptive degassing and volcanic CO2 emissions, (4)
the dynamics of fragmentation, particle ejection and transport, (5) the
fingerprinting of volcanic deposits, (6) the areal extent, distribution
and stratigraphic correlation of volcanic units, (7) the evidence for
magmatic processes stored in distal volcanic records and (8) the impact
of large eruptions on the past and present environment.
Invited speakers: Emma Liu (University of Bristol), Ben Andrews (Smithsonian Institution), Ilya Bindeman (University of Oregon) and Olivier Bachman (ETH Zurich).
Conveners: Emma Gatti, NASA Jet Propulsion Laboratory, Pasadena, CA, United States,
Ulrich Kueppers, Ludwig-Maximilians-Universität (LMU) München, Earth & Environmental Sciences, Munich, Germany
Nicholas J Pearce, Aberystwyth University, Aberystwyth, United Kingdom
Primary Convener: Corrado Cimarelli, Ludwig-Maximilians-Universität (LMU) München, Earth & Environmental Sciences, Munich, Germany
Please remember deadline for abstract submission is 5 August.
Chop, chop! those who submit their abstracts by 29 July, 11:59 p.m. EDT will be entered for a chance to win complimentary registration to the Fall Meeting.
Looking forward to see you all in San Francisco!
Emma, Ulli, Nick and Corrado
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