AGU 2014. 2790 Volatile Elements in the Oceanic Crust
From: Adam Soule <ssoule@xxxxxxxx>AGU 2014. 2790 Volatile Elements in the Oceanic Crust
Dear Colleagues.
We would like to draw your attention to a session at the upcoming Fall AGU meeting (Dec. 15-19, 2014) entitled: Volatile Elements in the Oceanic Crust.
The session is sponsored by VGP and co-sponsored by Ocean Sciences .
The AGU abstract submission tool is now open, and will close on 6 August 2014 at 23:59 EDT (03:59 +1 GMT).
Please consider submitting your latest work to this session.
Best Regards from the conveners.
Adam Soule (WHOI), Dorsey Wanless (Boise State U), John Maclennan (Cambridge), Margaret Hartley (Cambridge)
Session ID: 2790
description: Oceanic crust covers more than two-thirds of the Earth,
but direct observations of accretionary processes in the oceanic mantle
and crust are difficult obtain. Studies of the concentration and
isotopic composition of H, C, halogens and noble gases in oceanic
crustal rocks and hydrothermal systems have been instrumental in helping
decipher processes of melt generation and transport, ascent and
eruption of magmas, volatile contents of the mantle, and alteration of
oceanic crust. We welcome submissions that focus on understanding the
role of volatiles in crustal accretion, alteration processes, and
geochemical fluxes in oceanic settings. This includes, but is not
limited to, direct measurements of volatile concentrations in melts and
mineral phases, observations of vesicularity in oceanic lavas, novel
methods of measuring volatiles in rocks, fluids, or melt inclusions,
volatile flux from oceanic magmatic systems, primary volatile
concentrations of the mantle, and experimental studies of volatile
partitioning and diffusion.
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