SIMP-AIV-SGI-SoGeI Conference session in Florence - P12 – Field studies in modern volcanology
From: Marco Pistolesi <pistolesi@xxxxxxxxxxxx>SIMP-AIV-SGI-SoGeI Conference session in Florence - P12 – Field studies in modern volcanology
Dear Colleagues,
would like to draw your attention to the Conference “Il Pianeta
Dinamico: sviluppi e prospettive a 100 anni da Wegener” organized by
SIMP-AIV-SGI-SoGeI that will be held in Florence, 2-4 September 2015,
and in particular to the session:
P12 – Field studies in modern volcanology
Convenors: Marco Pistolesi (Univ. Firenze), Roberto Sulpizio (Univ. Bari), Roberto Isaia (INGV Napoli)
description: Volcanic areas are among the most complex and dynamics on
Earth, revealing continuous generation of volcanic material, subsequent
transport and deposition. Tephra architecture can be further complicated
by post-eruptive processes. Field studies are thus fundamental for the
comprehension of spatio-temporal evolution of volcanic activity and its
mechanisms. This research represents a first, ineluctable step for
further analytical investigations and for the evaluation of the impact
of volcanic activity on environment and human life. The session aims at
discussing observations from pyroclastic and volcaniclastic successions,
facies relationships, processes that control tephra emplacement and
Deadline to submit abstracts @ (http://www.pianetadinamico.it) is May 16.
We look forward to seeing you in Florence.
Marco Pistolesi, Roberto Sulpizio and Roberto Isaia
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