TOTGS: Total grainsize distribution of tephra fallout
From: "Sébastien Biasse" <Sebastien.Biasse@xxxxxxxx>TOTGS: Total grainsize distribution of tephra fallout
Dear all,
We are pleased to announce a new implementation of the code published by Bonadonna and Houghton (2005) for the calculation of total grainsize distributions of tephra deposits based on the Voronoi technique. The new code, named TOTGS, includes the following updates:
- A user-friendly graphical interface;
- The ability to work across different UTM zones;
- The possibility to use either geographic or projected coordinates;
- A tool to assist the definition of the zero-deposit line;
- Various tools to display and export results.
The code is written in Matlab, but standalone versions were compiled for various operating systems and work with the free MCR libraries. Feel free to download and try the code from VHub at the following address:
We hope this contribution will facilitate the characterization of tephra deposits and determination of total grainsize distribution! And please do not hesitate to send us comments and feedback in case you find some problems! This will help improve the code even further for the benefit of the community.
Best regards,
Sébastien Biass and Costanza Bonadonna
Department of Earth and Environmental Sciences, University of Geneva
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