GSA Penrose Medal, nominations due 1 Feb.
From: Barb Dutrow <dutrow@xxxxxxx>GSA Penrose Medal, nominations due 1 Feb.
Dear Colleagues (with apologies for multiple postings),
The Penrose Medal of the Geological Society of America is one of GSA's
highest honors. On behalf of the Penrose Committee, please consider
nominating deserving candidates. Nominations for awards presented by the GSA are due 1 February.
An easy online nomination form and required criteria are found at:
A past list of medalists is found at:
"The Penrose Medal was established in 1927 by R.A.F. Penrose, Jr., to be
awarded in recognition of eminent research in pure geology, for
outstanding original contributions or achievements that mark a major
advance in the science of geology.
The award is made only at the discretion of the Council, which
interprets pure geology to apply to all scientific disciplines
represented by the Society. Nominees, represented by the Council, may or
may not be members of the Society, and may be from any nation. Penrose's
sole objective in making the gift was to encourage original work in
purely scientific geology. Scientific achievements should be considered
rather than contributions in teaching, administration, or service.
Mid-career scientists who have already made exceptional contributions
should be given full consideration for the award."
Thank you for your consideration in helping GSA in this important task.
If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact me or GSA
Staff member Diane Lorenz <dlorenz@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
Barb Dutrow
for the 2014 Penrose Medal Committee
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