Seeking information about phone apps for volcano alerts and response
From: "Driedger, Carolyn" <driedger@xxxxxxxx>Seeking information about phone apps for volcano alerts and response
On behalf of local
emergency officials, I am seeking information about Phone Apps that
provide eruption alerts and response guidance in volcanic regions of the
world. Please send information about app value to emergency officials
and your organization, and other advice about the app use and
Thank you.
Carolyn L. Driedger
Hydrologist/PIO/Outreach Coordinator
USGS-Cascades Volcano Observatory
1300 SE Cardinal Court
Vancouver, WA 98683
Cell: (360) 903-1450
Office: (360) 993-8907
***Keep up with events at your backyard volcano. See HOT STUFF on the CVO website.
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