Magma degassing software
From: Alain Burgisser <alain.burgisser@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx>Magma degassing software
Dear All,
We announce the release of the software D-Compress, which computes the gas and melt volatile composition of five element sets in magmatic systems (O–H, S–O–H, C–S–O–H, C–S–O–H–Fe, and C–O–H). It has been calibrated so as to simulate the volatiles coexisting with three common types of silicate melts (basalt, phonolite, and rhyolite). Operational temperatures depend on melt composition and range from 790 to 1400 °C. A specificity of D-Compress is the calculation of volatile composition as pressure varies along a (de)compression path between atmospheric and 3000 bars.
Free access to the article until May 5, 2015:
The model can be downloaded as the Appendix A of the Supplementary materials and is also available here:
This last link will be hosting the software updates.
Alain Burgisser
Université Savoie Mont Blanc - CNRS
Phone : (+33) 479 758 780
Fax : (+33) 479 758 742
E-mail : alain.burgisser@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx
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