Two PhD positions in experimental petrology at Universities of Hannover and Milano
From: Renat Almeev <r.almeev@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>Two PhD positions in experimental petrology at Universities of Hannover and Milano
Dear colleagues,
we would like to draw your attention to two PhD positions in experimental petrology/geochemistry open at the Leibniz University Hannover and at the University of Milano in the frame of the Marie-Curie Initial Training Network (ITN) "ABYSS" focusing on themes related to the formation and hydrothermal alteration of the oceanic lithosphere.
The ITN "ABYSS" brings together 10 European research groups and 4 Associated Partners from the private sector and will provide training for 12 Early Stage Researchers (PhD) and 3 Experienced Researchers (Post-doc) in Geodynamics, Mineralogy, Hydrodynamics, Thermodynamics and (Bio‐)Geochemistry (for details see http://abyss-itn.eu/).
PhD position in Experimental Petrology at the University of Milano
ESR1 – Melt-rock interactions at the mantle-crust interface in oceanic spreading environments: An experimental investigation
Supervisors: P. Fumagalli (University of Milano) / M. Valle (Petroceramics SpA) & J. Koepke (Leibniz University of Hannover)
Objectives: Investigate melt-rocks interactions at mantle-crust interface governing the formation of the oceanic lithosphere; Acquisition of experimental expertise, development of strategies to simulate geological processes at high pressure and temperature in multi‐component systems; Experimentally‐based modelling of reaction mechanisms, kinetics, and effect of crystallization and reactive porous melt flow on the chemistry and physics of oceanic lithosphere.
PhD position in Experimental Petrology at the Leibniz University Hannover
ESR4 – Experimental rock/brine interaction at high and very high temperatures in magmatic systems
Supervisors: J. Koepke & R. Almeev (Leibniz University Hannover), P. Fumagalli (University of Milano) & D. Teagle (University of Southampton)
Objectives: Investigate experimentally rock/brine interactions at high temperature to evaluate the mechanisms of the ongoing magmatic reactions in the deep crust and shallow mantle beneath midocean ridges; Apply experimental results to nature by comparing experimental results with hydromagmatic amphiboles from the oceanic crust by measuring bulk & mineral elemental and isotopic compositions to evaluate the extent of rock/water/brines exchanges at ridges.
For details of both ESRs' see http://abyss-itn.eu/
For the recruitment procedure and for application see http://abyss-itn.eu/
Please circulate this message to potentially interested candidates.
with best wishes,
Patrizia Fumagalli (Milano) and Jurgen Koepke, Renat Almeev (Hannover)
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