5th International Maar Conference. Monogenetic volcanic fields: Structural and Tectonic Settings, causes of magmatic and phreato-magmatic activity
From: "Nemeth, Karoly" <K.Nemeth@xxxxxxxxxxxx>5th International Maar Conference. Monogenetic volcanic fields: Structural and Tectonic Settings, causes of magmatic and phreato-magmatic activity
Dear Potential Participants,
The organisation of the 5th International Maar Conference
(sponsored by the IAVCEI Commissions on Monogenetic Volcanism, Volcanic
Lakes and Volcanogenic Sediments and will be held in Queretaro, Mexico,
November 17-22, 2014) is on the way.
Here we would like to draw your attention on the fact that 5IMC
will be a conference intends to invite researchers working on any
aspects of monogenetic volcanism. Please consider to present your latest
results in the
Session 3
Monogenetic volcanic fields: Structural and tectonic settings, causes of magmatic and phreato-magmatic activity
Karoly Nemeth (K.Nemeth@xxxxxxxxxxxx)
Ian Smith (ie.smith@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx)
Claus Siebe (csiebe@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx)
Monogenetic volcanism produces small-volume volcanoes with a wide
range of eruptive styles and geomorphic architectures. They are
traditionally defined as spatter cones, scoria (or cinder) cones, tuff
rings, maars (maar-diatremes) and tuff cones based
on the dominant eruption styles forming them and consequently their
typical surface morphotypes. Recent research on monogenetic volcanism
and the resultant landforms indicates that the genetic diversity
imprinted in the pyroclastic records of monogenetic volcanoes
are strongly influenced by the “competition” between physico-chemical
factors related to the erupting magma (internal factors) and conditions
independent from the magma itself and externally controlling the style
of eruptions (external factors). It seems that
there is a well-defined relationship between the relative roles of
these internal versus external forces. While monogenetic volcanoes are
normally small in edifice, magma and total deposit volume they are
commonly unexpectedly complex volcanoes.
This session invites presentations
that concern these fundamental questions of monogenetic volcanism. We
are particularly interested in examples of the volcanic evolution of
individual monogenetic volcanoes as well as the
spatial and temporal evolution of monogenetic fields as a whole.
Studies that integrate geochemistry with eruptive behavior are
especially welcome, as are presentations that address the relationship
between tectonic setting, both local and regional, and the
occurrence of monogenetic volcanoes.
For further information about 5IMC please visit
See you in Mexico,
Dr Karoly Nemeth (Senior Research Officer)
Massey University, CS-IAE, Volcanic Risk Solutions
PO Box 11 222, Palmerston North, New Zealand
email: k.nemeth@xxxxxxxxxxxx OR knemeth@xxxxxxxxxx
web: http://volcanic.massey.ac.nz/aboutus/staff/
Tel: +64-6-356-9099 ext 7389
Fax: +64-6-350-5632; Mob: +64-27-479-1484
Massey University, CS-IAE, Volcanic Risk Solutions
PO Box 11 222, Palmerston North, New Zealand
email: k.nemeth@xxxxxxxxxxxx OR knemeth@xxxxxxxxxx
web: http://volcanic.massey.ac.nz/aboutus/staff/
Tel: +64-6-356-9099 ext 7389
Fax: +64-6-350-5632; Mob: +64-27-479-1484
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