VOLCANO: CoV 8. The Health Effects of Volcanic Eruptions: from Hazards to Interventions

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CoV 8. The Health Effects of Volcanic Eruptions: from Hazards to Interventions
From: "HORWELL C.J." <claire.horwell@xxxxxxxxxxxx>

Dear All,

We would like to draw your attention to session 3:III.B to be held at Cities on Volcanoes 8: The Health Effects of Volcanic Eruptions: from Hazards to Interventions. The deadline for abstract submissions is 14 April and you can find out more details about the conference at: http://citiesonvolcanoes8.com/


Session description:

Merapi is one of the most important global examples of people depending for their livelihoods on a volcano’s frequent eruptions, providing agricultural renewal and the ensuing lahars depositing material to quarry and sell, but the eruption in 2010 revealed the periodic price extracted in death and injury due to pyroclastic density currents, the psychological consequences of emergency evacuation and prolonged relocation, and the respiratory health hazards of working the lahar deposits. This session will explore all health aspects of volcanoes from around the world, covering medical, physicochemical and numerical modelling assessments of the hazards, and the effectiveness of measures to reduce exposure risk to volcanic emissions and other efforts to protect public health.


We would particularly value contributions following the recent eruptions of Kelud and Sinabung and others around the world. A reminder that you can learn about volcanic health impacts at: www.ivhhn.org through the International Volcanic Health Hazard Network website.


Best wishes,

Claire Horwell, Peter Baxter, Agung Harijoko (session convenors)



Dr Claire Horwell

Senior Lecturer

Director of the International Volcanic Health Hazard Network


Co-Director; Institute of Hazard, Risk and Resilience

Department of Earth Sciences

Durham University

Science Labs., South Road,

Durham, DH1 3LE, UK

Tel: ++ 44 (0)191 334 2253

Fax: ++ 44 (0)191 334 2301







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