Call for nominations for hosting CoV9
From: Graham Leonard <G.Leonard@xxxxxxxxxx>Call for nominations for hosting CoV9
Dear Colleagues,
With Cities on Volcanoes 8 to be held later this year in Indonesia (http://citiesonvolcanoes8.com/), the Cities on Volcanoes Commission is pleased to invite nominations for the hosting of Cities on Volcanoes 9.
Please read through the details and purpose below and consider hosting the next CoV meeting. Note the important dates at the bottom.
Email proposals to the 'Commission Leader' via http://cav.volcano.info/
Background: To date there have been seven “Cities on Volcanoes” meetings. The purpose of these meetings is to bring together volcanologists, city authorities, sociologists, psychologists, emergency managers, economists and city planners to evaluate volcanic crises preparedness and management in cities and densely populated areas.
In 1995 the “Volcanoes in Towns” meeting was held in Rome, Italy. From that developed the first “Cities on Volcanoes”, held in June-July 1998 in Rome and Naples, Italy with over 100 people attending. This was followed by the second in February 2001 in Auckland, New Zealand; the third in Hilo, USA in July 2003; the fourth in Quito, Ecuador in January 2006; the fifth in Shimabara, Japan in November 2007; the sixth in May 2010 in Tenerife, Spain; and the most recent in Colima, Mexico, November 2012. The eighth is planned for 9-13 September 2014, in Yogyakarta, Indonesia.
Future Planning:
- CoV meetings are required to have a core focus on the links between volcanoes and society - especially cities. Community and disaster/emergency management participants are to be actively encouraged to participate and supported where possible.
- Future “Cities on Volcanoes” meetings will be evenly spaced between the IAVCEI General Assembly and IUGG meetings; they will continue to be held approximately every two years. • Venues for “Cities on Volcanoes” meetings will change for each successive meeting
- The venue for the ninth “Cities on Volcanoes” meeting to be held in 2016 will be selected by a Committee of the Cities and Volcanoes Commission.
- Brief nominations for hosting this meeting will close on 15 June 2014.
- Formal written proposals arising from these nominations are to be submitted by 15 August 2014 and must outline briefly: dates; venue for conference; locality (e.g. volcano characteristics, activity, exposed population, vulnerability, etc.); transport options for international attendees; strategy to focus on cities and on volcanic risk mitigation; session/programme ideas (e.g. session topics, plenary speakers, field trips); arrangements for logistics and handling of these by the host country; potential sponsorship; preliminary estimates of the registration fees.
- The Commission Executive Committee will consider the proposals and may seek further details from the applicants.
- The venue will be decided by a formal vote of the Executive Committee.
- The Commission will announce the next venue on 13 September 2014 at the Cities on Volcanoes 8 conference.
- The Commission will assist the hosting country where possible but organisational and financial responsibility rests with the hosts.
Important dates:
1 March 2014 Formal call for nominations for hosting CoV9
15 June 2014 Deadline for nominations for hosting CoV9
15 Aug 2014 Deadline for written proposals for hosting CoV9
1 Sept 2014 Deadline for further information requests by Commission
7 Sept 2014 Deadline for further information submissions
9-13 Sept 2014 Meeting of the executive committee of the Cities and Volcanoes Commission to decide venue of CoV9
13 Sept 2014 Venue for CoV9 announced at the close of this year's meeting.
Volcano Listserv is a collaborative venture among Arizona State University (ASU), Portland State University (PSU), the Global Volcanism Program (GVP) of the Smithsonian Institution's National Museum of Natural History, and the International Association for Volcanology and Chemistry of the Earth's Interior (IAVCEI).
ASU - http://www.asu.edu/ PSU - http://pdx.edu/ GVP - http://www.volcano.si.edu/ IAVCEI - http://www.iavcei.org/
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