VOLCANO: Are you willing to collaborate with VOLCANOES' NIGHT 2014?

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Are you willing to collaborate with VOLCANOES' NIGHT 2014?
From: "Eleazar Padrón González" <eleazar@xxxxxxx>

Dear Colleague and Friends,

On the night of September 26, 2014 (Friday), we are co-organizing the interesting event "VOLCANOES' NIGHT" for a general audience at the seven Canary Islands and also in Almagro (Ciudad Real, mainland Spain).
Are you willing to collaborate with this event from your home?. You can do it!. We invite you to participate on this event by providing a poster about a specific volcano research project or topic which you are working on. Your contribution should be written in layman terms, since the audience is a general public (please feel free to write the poster in Spanish, English, German or French; mayor languages of the tourist population in the Canary Islands). Attached to this e-mail you can find the poster's dimensions, as well as a high resolution mark of this event which you should be placed at the bottom of the poster (please see the attached document). Please send your contribution in a pdf format (good resolution), and we will print it and place it for you to the public at large at VOLCANOES' NIGHT 2014. In order to organize this specific activity (know the space it is needed to place all the poster contributions, etc.), we will appreciate if you can send by e-mail an _expression_ of interest (title and authorship of your contribution) to collaborate with this event by September 1, 2014, and your poster contribution by September 15, 2014.

Please send both e-mails to (nperez@xxxxxxx & eleazar@xxxxxxx) indicating on the subject "Poster for VOLCANOES' NIGHT - Canary Islands, Spain - September 26, 2014". To find the right poster's dimensions as well as download the high resolution mark for VOLCANOES' NIGHT which you should be placed at the bottom of the poster, please click in the following link:


In case of problems with the size of the poster file, you can use: https://www.wetransfer.com/.

Thank you in advance for your collaboration and contribution for VOLCANOES' NIGHT - Canary Islands, Spain - September 26, 2014


Eleazar Padrón
Instituto Volcanológico de Canarias (INVOLCAN)
Member of VOLCANOES' NIGHT 2014 Organizing Committee



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