Sample of Mazama Ash (Climactic Event)
From: Steve Galer <steve.galer82@xxxxxxxxx>Sample of Mazama Ash (Climactic Event)
Dear Volcano aficionados,
I am a graduate
student at Oregon State University and I am currently
looking at ash fall deposits in lake sediments in the Seattle area. I
plan to analyze glass shard composition with the EMP with Dr. Tepley and
see if I can positively identify the thick ash layer in these lakes as
climactic Mazama. I am looking for a standard with which I can compare
my samples in addition to published data. I have a sample of ash from
Mitchell, Oregon that I collected during field camp and it was pointed
out to me as Mazama Ash, but I can't be absolutely sure. If anyone has
some ash and would be willing to part with a small sample of climactic
Mazama ash that I could use for comparison in my analysis,
I would be very grateful.Thank you all for your time and consideration,
Steve Galer
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