Goldschmidt 2015. Crystallization Processes in Magmatic Systems
16g: Crystallization Processes in Magmatic Systems
Mechanisms driving the crystallization of magmas are mostly controlled by changes in T, P, fO2, and volatile contents at both equilibrium and dynamic conditions. Thus, systematic variations of these parameters in magmatic reservoirs, volcanic conduits and subaerial/submarine environments must be carefully considered to reconstruct the crystallization paths of magmas. The aim of this session is to elucidate the physico-chemical conditions driving the transition of magma into a solidified rock, i.e., magma cooling/decompression/degassing, crystal/bubble nucleation and growth, volatile solubility/exsolution, viscosity, diffusion, heat conduction, major and trace element abundances as well as isotope concentrations in minerals and their host magmas. Thereby, we invite general contributions on all these aspects studied either in laboratory or in nature with the aim to better understand the evolution of igneous rocks. Furthermore, we encourage contributions dealing with theoretical/experimental approaches and innovative analytical techniques in Earth and Materials Sciences.
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