2nd International Congress on Stratigraphy 2015. Stratigraphy and Volcanism Session S08
We wish to keep anyone attention working on volcanic geology, volcanic stratigraphy and relevant volcano-sedimentary problems to consider to present your works in a “Stratigraphy and Volcanism Session - S08” during the 2nd International Congress on Stratigraphy in Graz, Austria between 19 and 23 July 2015.
Conveners: Ingomar Fritz (Universalmuseum Joanneum Graz, Austria), Karoly Nemeth (Massey University, Palmerston North, New Zealand)
Email: ingomar.fritz@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx and k.nemeth@xxxxxxxxxxxx
Description: Volcanism leaves a lithological footprint with regional, sometimes global relevance. The stratigraphic record of explosive/effusive eruptions and near-surface intrusions provides the base of petrographic, geochemical, petrological studies, geophysical models and physical volcanology in volcanic areas. Volcanological studies are based on many fields of stratigraphy so let us talk about stratigraphy and volcanism in Graz and in the „Steirisches Vulkanland“!
For further information on the conference registration, accommodation and fieldtrips please visit
You can also download the 2nd Circular of Strati 2015 from
See you in Graz!
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