CoV 8. Lessons learned from volcanic crises, Session 3.I
CoV 8. Lessons learned from volcanic crises, Session 3.I
From: "Lizzette Rodríguez" <soufriere@xxxxxxxxxxx>
Dear All,
"Lessons learned from volcanic crises" is a major theme at the Cities on Volcanoes 8 conference this September. Details are given below.
We very much look forward to your contributions and discussions.
Best wishes from the Convenors of Session 3.
Cities on Volcanoes 8, Yogyakarta, Indonesia, 9-13 September 2014
Lessons learned from volcanic crises, Session 3.I: Case Studies (http://citiesonvolcanoes8.com/?page_id=1167)
Volcanic crises are among the most intense periods in the professional lives of volcanologists, emergency managers, and public officials, and in the lives of the public who are affected by eruptions. These are also times when major advances in science and mitigation policy take place. When the science communication and mitigation measures are effective and well-coordinated, lives and property are saved. When any of these factors fail, the results can be disastrous. However, in all cases important lessons are learned. Session 3 aims to bring together speakers from all over the globe that work with volcanoes, ranging from observatory volcanologists, disaster practitioners, government officials, and NGO and government practitioners. Session 3.I: Case Studies has been sub-divided into the seven categories listed below. We welcome presentations in all the categories and look forward to seeing you in Yogyakarta.
A. Managing volcanic unrest amid scientific and technological uncertainty (Convenor:: Joachim Gottsmann)
B. Understanding volcanic unrest for different volcanic behaviours (Convenors: Jenni Barclay and Christopher Kilburn)
C. Volcanic crisis communication (Convenors: Carina Fearnley Deanne Bird, Katharine Haynes and Gill Jolly)
D. Risk mitigation (Convenors: Lizzette Rodríguez Iglesias, José G. Viramonte and Hugo Delgado-Granados)
E. Understanding different cultural approaches to volcanic crisis management – presentations and panel discussion (Convenors: John Pallister, Mochammad Hendrasto and Kristianto)
F. Managing Worst-Case Scenarios - with Reference to Merapi 2010, St. Helens 1980, Pinatubo 1991, and The Next VEI 7 Eruption (Convenors: Chris Newhall, Supriyati Andreastuti, Luis Lara, Mauro Rosi and Gordon Woo)
G. Best Practices and Communication of Volcanic Risk (Convenor: Guido Giordano)
Information on submitting abstracts can be found at: http://citiesonvolcanoes8.com/?page_id=88
Abstracts must be submitted by 14 April 2014.
"Lessons learned from volcanic crises" is a major theme at the Cities on Volcanoes 8 conference this September. Details are given below.
We very much look forward to your contributions and discussions.
Best wishes from the Convenors of Session 3.
Cities on Volcanoes 8, Yogyakarta, Indonesia, 9-13 September 2014
Lessons learned from volcanic crises, Session 3.I: Case Studies (http://citiesonvolcanoes8.com/?page_id=1167)
Volcanic crises are among the most intense periods in the professional lives of volcanologists, emergency managers, and public officials, and in the lives of the public who are affected by eruptions. These are also times when major advances in science and mitigation policy take place. When the science communication and mitigation measures are effective and well-coordinated, lives and property are saved. When any of these factors fail, the results can be disastrous. However, in all cases important lessons are learned. Session 3 aims to bring together speakers from all over the globe that work with volcanoes, ranging from observatory volcanologists, disaster practitioners, government officials, and NGO and government practitioners. Session 3.I: Case Studies has been sub-divided into the seven categories listed below. We welcome presentations in all the categories and look forward to seeing you in Yogyakarta.
A. Managing volcanic unrest amid scientific and technological uncertainty (Convenor:: Joachim Gottsmann)
B. Understanding volcanic unrest for different volcanic behaviours (Convenors: Jenni Barclay and Christopher Kilburn)
C. Volcanic crisis communication (Convenors: Carina Fearnley Deanne Bird, Katharine Haynes and Gill Jolly)
D. Risk mitigation (Convenors: Lizzette Rodríguez Iglesias, José G. Viramonte and Hugo Delgado-Granados)
E. Understanding different cultural approaches to volcanic crisis management – presentations and panel discussion (Convenors: John Pallister, Mochammad Hendrasto and Kristianto)
F. Managing Worst-Case Scenarios - with Reference to Merapi 2010, St. Helens 1980, Pinatubo 1991, and The Next VEI 7 Eruption (Convenors: Chris Newhall, Supriyati Andreastuti, Luis Lara, Mauro Rosi and Gordon Woo)
G. Best Practices and Communication of Volcanic Risk (Convenor: Guido Giordano)
Information on submitting abstracts can be found at: http://citiesonvolcanoes8.com/?page_id=88
Abstracts must be submitted by 14 April 2014.
Volcano Listserv is a collaborative venture among Arizona State University (ASU), Portland State University (PSU), the Global Volcanism Program (GVP) of the Smithsonian Institution's National Museum of Natural History, and the International Association for Volcanology and Chemistry of the Earth's Interior (IAVCEI).
ASU - http://www.asu.edu/ PSU - http://pdx.edu/ GVP - http://www.volcano.si.edu/ IAVCEI - http://www.iavcei.org/
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