AIV International School of Volcanology 2015
From: roberto.sulpizio@xxxxxxxxAIV International School of Volcanology 2015
We are pleased to announce the AIV International School of Volcanology 2015, which will be held in Lipari Island, October 5-10, 2015.
Where: Lipari Island, Aeolian Islands, southern Italy
When: October 5-10, 2015 (6 nights)
Volcano birth and growth is one of the most surprising and amazing natural phenomena, which witness the complexity of the Earth dynamics. The development of a volcanic system is the sum of different geological and geomorphological processes, which include periods of storing and construction followed by dismantling and redistribution of material due to surface dynamics. Along with the study and comprehension of physical and chemical processes that accompany the life of a volcano, is therefore important also to consider the influence that volcanic activity has on basin sedimentation at both local and regional scale. On the contrary, a volcano is not an isolated system, and basin dynamics can influence its activity and shaping its morphology. In this light, it is important to study modern volcanic systems taking into account the wider picture offered by Quaternary research. The aim of the school is to join together scholars with different experiences and skills in the fields of volcanology and Quaternary sciences. The Aeolian Islands are a perfect location for this purpose due to a wide variety of emerged and submerged volcanoes characterised by effusive and explosive activity. Primary deposition and dismantling of previous volcanic deposits dominated the basin sedimentology, while changes in sea level are testified by widespread occurrence of marine terraces and transgressive/regressive deposits.
The school is organised through some focused lectures on topic arguments (2 days) alternated with three full days of field excursions in the Aeolian Islands, including the climbing of the active Stromboli volcano. Lecturers will be among the main experts of Aeolian Island geology, volcanology and Quaternary research, in order to assure a high level of scientific debate with the participants.
Limited grants are available for participants from developing countries
To download the first circular visit the site www.aivulc.it
For further information send an e-mail to: Roberto Sulpizio (roberto.sulpizio@xxxxxxxx) or Federico Lucchi (federico.lucchi@xxxxxxxx)
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