Research position in geochemistry at Institute of Earth Sciences, University of Iceland
From: Freysteinn Sigmundsson <fs@xxxxx>Research position in geochemistry at Institute of Earth Sciences, University of Iceland
The Institute of Earth Sciences, within the School of Engineering
and Natural Sciences at the University of Iceland, seeks applicants to
fill a tenure-track position of a research specialist in the area of
Applicants should have a
doctorate degree in geology with emphasis on geochemical studies of
rocks and considerable experience in geochemical analysis, including
isotope measurements.
The specialist is
expected to lead research in the field of igneous geochemistry in
Iceland in collaboration with other staff of the Institute of Earth
Sciences and the Faculty of Earth Sciences at the University of
This is a great opportunity to join a
team of scientists in Iceland, studying active volcanoes and
interesting eruptions in an amazing natural laboratory.
application deadline is February 9, 2015. The successful applicant is
expected to start the appointment no later than 1 September 2015.
For further information see:
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