GSA Cordilleran 2015. T11 “Communicating geologic hazard information in the 21st century: new and emerging approaches to effectively prepare those at risk"
Dear Colleagues,
This is a call for contributions to the 2015 GSA Cordilleran Meeting Session T11 “Communicating geologic hazard information in the 21st century: new and emerging approaches to effectively prepare those at risk.”
The meeting will be held in Anchorage, Alaska May 11-13, 2015. Please note that the abstract deadline is February 10, 2015.
Effective communication regarding natural hazards is a critical part of risk reduction in all phases of a hazard event. The explosion of Internet and cellular technologies offer a dynamic universe of methods for scientists and emergency managers to communicate data, hazard alerts, context, and other information for both emerging and rapid-onset hazard events. Advances in the psychology of risk communication and understanding of how individuals perceive information about hazards and risk increasingly inform scientists approach to communication. At the same time, expectations of instant information with frequent updates and graphical content places a significant burden on those producing hazard messages. This theme session solicits presentations on the challenges and promise of new approaches to communicating geologic hazard and risk information. In particular, we seek examples of successful (or less than successful) methods that utilize social media, community-based programs, citizen science, and other ‘non-traditional’ means to communicate hazard information and reduce risk. We also solicit examples of how best to measure effectiveness of communication strategies and incorporate results of such evaluations to improve outcomes.
For more information and to submit an abstract, please visit the meeting website:
We look forward to your submissions and an interesting, timely session in Anchorage!
Session Conveners
Tina Neal, USGS–Alaska Volcano Observatory, tneal@xxxxxxxx
Cheryl Cameron–Alaska Division of Geological and Geophysical Surveys, Cheryl.cameron@xxxxxxxxxx
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