Photo gallery Dukono
From: Marc Szeglat <szeglat@xxxxxxxx>Photo gallery Dukono
Dear friends of volcanism,
I want to introduce a new photo gallery on the volcano Dukono: http://www.volcanoes.de/blog/photo-gallery-dukono/
The photos were taken between the 10th and 14th June 2014. Members of the expedition were Thorsten Boeckel, Richard Roscoe and Marc Szeglat. We saw the volcano in a high activity state. Volcanic ash rose up to 2.5 km height. Small volcanic lightning could be photographed in the ash clouds.
Videos will follow soon.
Best greetings,
Marc Szeglat
Kameraman, Autor, Geonaut
Dülmener Str. 11
D-46117 Oberhausen
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