Research Opportunities using drill core from the Island of Hawai‘i
Research Opportunities using drill core from the Island of Hawai‘i
Two, 1500-1830 m deep holes are being drilled (the second hole is currently over ~1000 m deep and will be finished by the end of July) in the saddle between Mauna Loa and Mauna Kea volcanoes. Each hole is being continuously cored to retrieve a stratigraphic sequence of subaerial shield-stage and post-shield-stage lava rock and ash samples from Mauna Kea Volcano. Processing, characterization and logging of the rock core will be complete by the end of 2015 using methods pioneered during the Hawaiʻi Scientific Drilling Project (HSDP). Funding for the drilling and the initial characterization and logging of the core has been provided by the U.S. Army and the National Science Foundation. Daily project updates on drilling progress and interesting rock features can be found on the Hawaiʻi Groundwater & Geothermal Resources Center (HGGRC) website at
The goal of this drilling project (Humuʻula Groundwater Research Project, HGRP) is to gain a better understanding of the groundwater resources, stratigraphy, geochemistry and age of Maun Kea rocks in the saddle region of the island of Hawaiʻi.
This announcement is intended to make the geocommunity aware that the cores will be available for future scientific work after logging is complete. If you are interested in getting involved with this project, contact project principal investigator Dr. Don Thomas at dthomas@xxxxxxxxxx
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