Marie Curie VERTIGO ITN: ESR position on aero-engine damage by volcanic ash
From: Adam Durant <ajdurant@xxxxxxx>Marie Curie VERTIGO ITN: ESR position on aero-engine damage by volcanic ash
Early Stage Researcher position (volcanic ash, aero-engine damage)
VERTIGO project is a multi-Partner ITN (Initial Training Network)
funded under the FP7 Framework “FP7-PEOPLE-2013-ITN”. The consortium
consists of 9 full partners and 11 associated partners in academia,
research institutes and the private sector from eight European
countries. VERTIGO supports 13 Early Stage Researchers (ESR) to develop
an integrated mechanistic and quantitative understanding of the
physico-chemical processes during the lifecycle of volcanic ash: from
formation in a volcano, through changes during the dispersal in the
atmosphere to the impacts on life and society.
ESR 8:
Empirical constraints on aero-engine components tolerance following
ingestion of volcanic ash, Norwegian Institute for Air Research (NILU),
The ESR based at NILU will address aero-engine component
tolerances following ingestion of volcanic ash. During the first year,
the ESR will receive detailed training on the materials characterisation
of volcanic ash during a secondment at SINTEF (http://www.sintef.no/home). The ESR will undertake a secondment at the French Aerospace Lab (http://www.onera.fr/)
to receive hands-on training and to carry out laboratory-based
aero-engine component testing. During a secondment at the University of
Geneva, the ESR will perform ash aggregation experiments and receive
training in numerical modelling in order to evaluate the potential
impact on aero-turbine engines during the Eyjafjallajokull eruption. The
ESR will perform high-resolution computational fluid dynamics modelling
of ash ingestion by an aero-engine in cooperation with an industry
partner. The project will compliment other volcanic ash related projects
in the Department of Atmospheric and Climate Research at NILU.
For more information please see:
Adam Durant | adu@xxxxxxx
Senior Scientist
Norsk institutt for luftforskning
Norwegian Institute for Air Research
Instituttveien 18, P.O. Box 100, NO-2027 Kjeller, Norway | www.nilu.no
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